Case Studies
Customized programs with in-depth personal visual profiles
Research indicates visual abilities are trainable and can be enhanced through appropriate oculomotor training. Modern oculometric systems like the NeuroFIT ONE system provide automated assessments and highlight areas of opportunity for individualized training protocols to improve visual skills.
Oculometric tests can identify athlete’s visual strengths and weaknesses to guide effective training. For example, a batter struggling with strike zone judgement may benefit from training to improve dynamic accommodation. Custom vision training interventions based on oculometric data could target fundamental skills involved in key baseball tasks like hitting, fielding and base running.
Oculomteric Evaluation
MLB catcher presented complaining of poor visual perception of the baseball while batting. Player commented on poor reaction speed, over anticipation of pitches, and a significant deterioration in batting analytics. No visual acuity issues were detected on multiple visits to various eye care professionals (20/15 VA in both eyes).
After a comprehensive oculomteric evaluation and visual skill analysis, it was evident that the player was suffering from post concussion vison symptoms, as much as two years after initial symptoms were detected.(Post concussion results)
After 3 months of vision skills training all oculomteric results showed significant improvements, resulting in return to play with MLB team (Post Training)
Initiation metrics (INIT) – driven by the motion of the target image on the retina (e.g., “retinal slip”)
Latency is the elapsed time between motion onset and movement onset, measures the speed of neural processing, motor responsiveness
Acceleration is the rate of change of eye velocity as the eye begins moving
Steady-state tracking metrics (SS) – driven by the perception of object motion during the interval from 400 to 700 ms after motion onset
Gain is the ratio of eye velocity to target velocity, 0.8 in normal up to 1.0 in athletes
Saccade amplitude measures the size of the small flicks that the eye makes during tracking, smaller saccades are better
Proportion smooth is like gain, except it’s a displacement ratio expressing the proportion of eye displacement during smooth pursuit as compared to total eye displacement, consisting of both saccades and smooth pursuit
Oculometric Evaluation
Direction-tuning metrics (DIR) – quantifies perception of object direction during the interval from 400 to 700 ms after motion onset
Noise is one estimate of the error in perceived direction, lower numbers are better
Anisotropy is a measurement of differences between direction perception along the cardinal axes (up and down), and the oblique axes (diagonals)
Asymmetry is a measurement of the differences between upward-downward and leftward-rightward motion perception
Speed-tuning metrics (SPD) – quantifies perception of object speed during the interval from 400 to 700 ms after motion onset
Noise is an estimate of the variability in perceived speed, lower numbers are better
Responsiveness is an estimate of the ability to perceive speed, and drive the eye more quickly in response to faster motion measured during the first 100 ms of the onset of the movement